Grizzly Information

 Film and Documentaries


This video by photographer John E. Marriott is only 8 minutes long and gives a first-hand account of realities around the trophy killing of Grizzly Bears in B.C., from someone who knows the issue up close and personal.  Highly recommended!


The Edge of Eden – Living with Grizzlies by Jeff & Sue Turner (Canada), 2006

This documentary follows the remarkable relationship of Canadian naturalist Charlie Russell with rescued orphan grizzly cubs in Russia who he “mothered” and taught to survive on wilderness home range of Kamchatka peninsula.  The film shows how human fear of grizzlies perpetuates negative mythology that surrounds these intelligent bears and is driving them to extinction.


The town of Canmore is working hard to coexist with grizzlies by removing food attractants and by protecting safe wildlife corridors that connect through the area in all four directions.


For a moment of healing, reflection and renewal with a B.C. Grizzly Bear, watch here.





Thanks to the Kitasoo-Xai’xais Stewardship, Spirit Bear Research Foundation, Wuikinuxv Stewardship, UVic Applied Conservation Science Lab and Raincoast Conservation Foundation for this research film footage.


The TED talk by Carl Safina titled “What are animals thinking and feeling?” is a must-watch for anyone who has looked at an animal and wondered “Who are you?”


WHY BEARS?  Watch a short film (good for classroom or community viewing) that shows the importance of bears to ecosystems, and to people –  click here .We all depend on the same things for healthy living.


Here’s what peaceful coexistence looks like, as Hank, the residing monarch, grazes and ambles his way past a lodge.



For an excellent Op-ed article from August 11 2017, read “Wildlife Management is long overdue” by Chris Genovali, Executive Director of Raincoast Conservation Foundation and Paul C. Paquet, large carnivore expert and senior scientist at Raincoast Conservation Foundation.

For a basic overview of Grizzly Bear biology, behaviour, co-existence and other links, refer to Western Wildlife Outreach and David Suzuki Foundation Securing a National Treasure: Protecting Canada’s Grizzly Bear by Jeff Gailus (Canada) on behalf of the David Suzuki Foundation, 2013

Abstract: A comprehensive report using data provided by provincial and territorial governments and independent scientists to assess the status of all grizzly populations in Canada.  It makes the case for Grizzly Bears to be listed and protected under the federal Species At Risk Act.

For a contemporary understanding of the true nature of Grizzly Bears, read the article by Gary Bradshaw and Charlie Russell here

Confronting Uncertainty in Wildlife Management: Performance of Grizzly Bear Management: by Kyle Artelle, Sean Anderson, Andrew Cooper, Paul Paquet, John Reynolds, Chris Darimont, 2013

Abstract: Uncertainty poses a central problem in wildlife management. Discrepancies between expected and realized mortality levels underestimate the magnitude of mortality that a population such as grizzlies can withstand without experiencing long-term declines or other deleterious effects.



Great Bear Wild: Dispatches from a Northern Rainforest by Ian McAllister, 2014

Stuning photos and personal narrative from the author’s years of research and experience with wildlife, including the magnificent Grizzly Bear, at home in the Great Bear Rainforest.

Great Tide Rising: Towards Clarity and Moral Courage in a Time of Planetary Change by Kathleen Dean Moore, 2016

Kathleen Dean Moore is an environmental philosopher and nature writer whose intuitive sense of the natural world cultivates the art of watching or, in her words, “paying joyous attention”.  This is a beautifully written book that reflects a way of seeing that will be needed if we are to co-exist in harmony with Grizzly Bears and all other beings.  Ms. Moore lives in Oregon and writes from a little cabin on Chichagof Island, Alaska, which has the highest population of bears per square mile of anyplace on earth.


One Comment Add yours

  1. Tony Brumell says:

    Thank you Mr Horgan we needed to end the trophy hunt .Your party has saved the lives of many bears.and maintained integrity in BC’s forests


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